Oleh Safira Nur Hasanah, S.Tr.T. dan Suwardo, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
Safira Nur Hasanah dan Suwardo (2018) menulis dan mempublikasikan artikel yang menarik tentang metode konstruksi yang berjudul “Quality Control Pekerjaan Rigid Pavement dengan Metode Qpass dan Qlassic pada Proyek Jalan Tol Lampung”. Artikel ini diseminarkan pada Simposium Nasional Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT) ke-21 di Universitas Brawijaya dan telah dimuat dalam prosiding simposium tersebut.
In project constructions, pavement quality control is very important to get good results in the end of the projects, so the product of project can be used by customers satisfiedly. The purpose of this study is to identify the principles of quality control on rigid pavement work, to analyze and to assess the quality control on rigid pavement work by using QPASS and QLASSIC methods. Data of the quality control of rigid pavement work on Lampung Toll Road project of Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar segment STA 118 + 100 – STA 118 + 950 is used for analysis. The principles of quality control in rigid pavement work is started from the Job Mix Formula (JMF), preparation of tools and resources, working method, general specification used, concrete casting process, maintenance phase until rigid pavement is ready for use. The result of assessment by using Quality Product Assessment (QPASS) at rigid pavement is 94,7%, while according to Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) method is 93%. The evaluation result by using both methods indicate that the quality control of rigid pavement work is in “Good” category. The needs to increse quality score from “Good” category to “Best” category is to concern about architectural works because exposed concrete can effect the value of rigid pavement. In this case, the architectural works are including surface roughness, joint sealant installation, dilatation cutting, rigid pavement thickness and checking the pavement surface from contaminant material.
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